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The project is implemented in the Separate Structural Unit "University Hospital" of the Dnipro State Medical University with the support and financing of the World Health Organization (WHO), Lithuanian Fund for the Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid, Public Institution "Central Project Management Agency" ("CPVA", Lithuania), Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

Its purpose is to create and develop a regional rehabilitation center for spinal cord injuries (hereinafter referred to as the Center) in Dnipropetrovsk region, as well as to improve, strengthen and expand comprehensive rehabilitation and reintegration services.

The center is designed for 50 inpatient (bed) places to provide specialized rehabilitation care to patients with spinal cord injuries in the post-acute and long-term rehabilitation periods in inpatient and outpatient settings in our region and beyond, which will cover specialized rehabilitation care in Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhya, Donetsk and Kirovohrad regions. It is assumed that within the scope of its activities the following will be provided:

  • provision of specialized rehabilitation care after an acute and long-term rehabilitation period in inpatient and outpatient settings to patients with spinal cord injuries;
  • counseling and methodological assistance during the acute rehabilitation period in neurosurgical and other departments for patients with spinal cord injury;
  • methodical support, counseling and coordination of providing psychosocial and other assistance to patients with spinal cord injury at home and in the community regarding adaptation of activities and reintegration into society;
  • technical support, identification, repair, training in the use of wheelchairs and other means of rehabilitation;
  • consultative and methodical support for patients with dysfunctions of the pelvic organs;
  • formal, informal training and professional development during continuous professional development in the field of rehabilitation for students, specialists in the field of health care and psychosocial support;
  • development and implementation of innovative technologies, scientific substantiation of the use of new measures and means of rehabilitation for patients with spinal injuries.

Cooperation within the framework of the project was initiated in May 2023 with a letter from the European Regional Office of the WHO (WHO/Europe) to the Minister of Health of Ukraine V. Lyashko, in which, in particular, it was stated the necessity to allocate 50 beds for the regional rehabilitation center for spinal cord injuries in the Separate Structural Unit "University Hospital" of the Dnipro State Medical University. It was determined that the reconstruction of the Center's premises will be carried out by a donor designated by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, and the training of local rehabilitation staff, provision of the necessary rehabilitation equipment, beds, rehabilitation aids, wheelchairs, etc. will be carried out by the WHO.

In July 2023, started the process regarding search of a donor. From November 2023, this function was taken over by the Lithuanian Fund for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid under the coordination of the project by CPVA. CPVA employees conducted an in-depth analysis of the situation in Ukraine, and in particular in Dnipro, regarding the rehabilitation capacity of the Center, after which a memorandum on cooperation was signed on August 8, 2024, the purpose of which is to coordinate joint activities regarding the implementation of the project, as well as to improve the development, improvement and expansion of comprehensive rehabilitation and reintegration services of the Center. Under the coordination of CPVA specialists, the technical and medical tasks of the future Center were developed, a tender was held, and as of October 2024, in accordance with the contract dated September 30, 2024 No. 2024/4-1-428, work on the technical design of the Center is ongoing. The planned budget for the reconstruction of the Center reaches 2,500,000 Euros. The expected completion date of the design project is the beginning of 2025.

The scope of the project foresees educational activities aimed at strengthening of the personnel potential.

During 2023-2024, trainings for members of the multidisciplinary rehabilitation team: doctors of physical and rehabilitation medicine, physical therapists, occupational therapists took place on the basis of the municipal enterprise "Rivne Regional Hospital of War Veterans" of the Rivne Regional Council (Klevan village) with the support of the WHO and the participation of leading experts and nurses in the field of rehabilitation:

  • From the beginning of July to the middle of August 2023, trainings were held in the basics of rehabilitation, assessment, infection control, transfer and positioning, bowel and bladder management, treatment of specific complications, basics of orthotics and basic skills in prescribing wheelchairs for spinal cord injuries.
  • In August-September 2023, members of the multidisciplinary rehabilitation team underwent training on mastering the skills of assigning, teaching and training patients in wheelchairs.
  • From December 11th to 15th, 2023, representatives of the multidisciplinary rehabilitation team attended a training on the manufacture of orthoses on the basis of the municipal enterprise "Rivne Regional Hospital for War Veterans" of the Rivne Regional Council (Klevan village).
  • From October 16th until the end of December 2024, on-line and off-line trainings on bladder management and urodynamic tests are planned.

On September 15, 2024, with the support and financing of the Lithuanian Fund for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid and the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Lithuania, under the coordination of Public Institution "Central Project Management Agency" ("CPVA", Republic of Lithuania) started a two-year training program, which is planned to be held on the basis of rehabilitation center "Unbroken" and in Lithuanian rehabilitation centers. The total budget of the educational part of the project reaches 1,550,000 Euros.