  • Jan02-25
  • slide05
  • Jan04-25
  • Jan03-25

Були обговорені питання науково-освітнього потенціалу університетів та перспективи подальшої співпраці.

Результати робочої зустрічі викликали широкий резонанс серед медичної спільноти університету та сподівання на можливість творчої співпраці в важливих напрямах медичної освіти.

On June 6, 2022, the working meeting of representatives of Dnipro State Medical University (DSMU) and University of Dundee (UD) took place within the Unity Initiative Program launched by one of the leading British consulting companies in the field of higher education Cormack Consultancy Group (CCG).

The purpose of this program is to establish cooperation of Ukrainian higher education institutions with British universities, personalization of assistance from partner HEIs aimed at supporting, restoring and developing Ukrainian universities during the war period and in the long-term perspective, forming strategic partnerships and alliances for joint work and further development of international connections.

The online meeting was attended by Dr. Anton Lievykh, Head of the International Relations Department, DSMU; Dr. Roman Razumnyi, Dean of the International Faculty, DSMU; Dr. Ellie Hothersall, Head of MBChB (Teaching and Scholarship) at the School of Medicine, UD; Dr. David Russell, International Admin Lead at the School of Medicine, UD; Kara Knight, Undergraduate Manager at the School of Medicine, UD; Oksana Vavrenchuk, Executive Assistant to Chairman of CCG.

During the meeting, the issues of scientific and educational potential of universities and prospects for future cooperation were discussed, in particular in the following areas:

  • academic mobility programs for students and teaching staff;
  • access to educational courses and platforms;
  • access to library resources;
  • access to modern simulation medicine programs;
  • joint research projects;
  • visiting professorship;
  • modernization of university equipment;
  • technical support in the reorganization / modernization of the university's online resources.

Following the meeting, representatives of both universities outlined a number of issues and proposals that will be discussed in the near future.

We thank the Cormack Consultancy Group & University of Dundee for their support and hope for successful cooperation and partnership.